How to Form 5 Essential Types of Questions in English Grammar

.Now let’s move on to the structures for forming five common types of questions

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13 283 0
Simply put adjectives are descriptive words. Adjectives are used to describe or give information about things, ideas and people: nouns or pronouns
:For Example
(."The grey dog barked. (The adjective grey describes the noun "dog
?"...The most common question an adjective might answer is "What kind of
The good news is that in English the form of an adjective does not change, once you have learnt it that's it and it does not matter if the noun being described is male or female, singular or plural, subject or object. Yay
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The butterfly & the cocoon

A small crack appeared on a cocoon. A man sat for hours and watched carefully the struggle of
the butterfly to get out of that small crack of cocoon.
Then the butterfly stopped striving. It seemed that she was exhausted and couldn’t go on trying.
The man decided to help the poor creature. He widened the crack by scissors. The butterfly came
out of cocoon easily, but her body was tiny and her wings were wrinkled.
The ma continued watching the

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