Arranging a trip

🛫🛬🛩:Arranging a trip

?Travel agent: Good morning, sir. How can I help you

.Customer: Well, I have some time off from work next month, and I was thinking of going to Australia

?Travel Agent: Mmm, that sounds great. How long is your vacation

.Customer: Just one week. My last day at work is the 26th July, and I go back on the 5th August

.Travel Agent: OK, here's our Sydney brochure. Have a look and see if there's a hotel that you like

.Customer: This one is good. The Four Seasons hotel. It's expensive, but I've been told it's very nice

?Travel Agent: Yes, it's a very high class hotel. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay there. Would you like me to make the booking now, sir

.Customer: Yes, please

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