آموزش زبان قسمت 9

آموزش لغات و اصطلاحات جدید

Dangerous insect

Countries in East Africa are experiencing an invasion of locusts. It is the worst invasion in the last 25 years. A locust is a type of insect that flies in large groups and destroys plants and crops

One swarm can be 60 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide, and it can contain billions of locusts

The insect is as big as a finger, and it eats a lot. In a day, one swarm can destroy crops that feed 2,500 people. It is a huge problem for farmers and families who live in the area

In Kenya, the situation is very serious. Some officials say that it is not effective to spray chemicals on the insect. However, the Ministry of Agriculture Secretary said that the chemicals are very strong and they can kill all insects

New vocabularies of this text
کلمات جدید این متن
گروه - دستهSwarm
شامل شدنContain
غذا دادنFeed
مکان - محلArea
کنیا- کشوری در افریقای شرقیKenya
رسانه هاOfficials
مواد شیمیاییChemicals
دبیر وزارت کشاورزیMinistry of Agriculture Secretary

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